The Death of Life

“This frigid sea was a speckled mass of organisms. Tiny copepod crustaceans, looking like so many animated peas, beat their way in their thousands through the surface waters, feeding on plankton that I knew must be there, but which could not be seen without a microscope.” That picture of vitality in the Arctic begins the …
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Waking up to System Collapse

As the dawn crept through the curtains this morning, my dreamy thoughts recalled the gathering of people who had listened to Jem Bendell talking about his new book Breaking Together yesterday evening. It occurred that we could have had it all but, as I had known for some years now, that opportunity had passed. And …
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Happy St Brigid’s Bank Holiday

Happy St Brigid’s Bank Holiday. It is a great step to establish a holiday to honour Ireland’s matron saint. This is a meaningful day in its recognition of the feminine; an embracing of the qualities of compassion, nature, nurture, inclusion and collaboration that are so urgently needed in the world today; with Brigid’s fire to …
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Brigit: From Goddess to Saint via the Patriarchy

Happy – and historic – St Brigit*’s Day: Today marks the first time an Irish national holiday is established in honor of a female saint. Why is this important? Establishing a national holiday in Brigit’s name is a recognition of the feminine. Today’s world is run as a patriarchy, or as the late bell hooks …
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Big Picture Thinking and Wellness

Deirdre Lane, CEO of Shamrock Spring and Ambassador of The Circular Economy Institute, chats with Tom at the inaugural Lisnavagh Wellness Festival. Astraea supported the inaugural Wellness Festival at Lisnavagh. Pam offered a yoga practice session to a packed Garden Wing – there must have been nearly 50 people in there with more looking in …
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Carrots and Conviviality – in conversation with Carmel Duffy

Carmel Duffy is a pioneer of system change. For over four decades she has chosen to live more lightly and thoughtfully. It was a great pleasure and honour to spend a morning hearing her story which is shared here. Enjoy! Many thanks to Carmel, Pete, Tom and Ben for their warm hospitality and generous welcome. …
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How Happiness Works

Last’ week’s “code red for humanity” got me thinking – ironically – about happiness. What makes you happy? Actually, let’s back up. What IS happiness, that feeling of positive lightness that makes the world seem rosy? “Hap” is the Middle English word for “chance, luck, a chance occurrence”. Sounds about right. “Happy” is defined as …
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Trained to turn a blind eye …

When the sun is shining and the breeze is warm so you stroll across the village green. It is where couples sit together on benches holding hands, families play on the grass and the town notice board is perused. Behind the noticeboard swings the gibbet and everyone notes the state of the corpse in their …
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