Happy St Brigid’s Bank Holiday. It is a great step to establish a holiday to honour Ireland’s matron saint. This is a meaningful day in its recognition of the feminine; an embracing of the qualities of compassion, nature, nurture, inclusion and collaboration that are so urgently needed in the world today; with Brigid’s fire to make it happen. The feminine continues to be under-represented, women’s rights continue to be curtailed from America to Afghanistan, and so stories of Brigid’s strength and her power as goddess, leader and healer within Ireland are inspirational, and support the emerging feminine voices, leadership and activism internationally.
Last week we had a Big Picture Conversation about Brigid, and Dr Mary Condren’s book The Serpent and the Goddess, to discuss the history of the social and political structures that emerged nearly two thousand years ago and that are still in place today. We hope you enjoy the audio version of our chat; the video version with extra links is here.