The Second Holocaust

For 70 years the word “holocaust” has been in common use and we all knew it was about the bigoted murder of thousands of civilians during The Second World War. Schindler’s List and other movies have brought the tragedy alive in our minds. It was about the wholesale extermination of people to make space for …
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“I Want A Revolution”

A conversation with Brigidine elders about the future, with 15 minutes of mindful movements at the beginning. This special event took place on 1 February 2024 when we enjoyed an open conversation with 3,000 years of life experience. As you will hear, we approached the opportunity with some references, including elements of our recent timescape …
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Feast Upon The Earth – The Book

Back in April when we sat down to brainstorm over a coffee and dreamed up an installation exploring the human relationship with nature we had no idea it would lead to such wide insights and wonderful feedback from visitors. Feast Upon The Earth was a powerful experience and the resulting timescape brought out new understanding …
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The Death of Life

“This frigid sea was a speckled mass of organisms. Tiny copepod crustaceans, looking like so many animated peas, beat their way in their thousands through the surface waters, feeding on plankton that I knew must be there, but which could not be seen without a microscope.” That picture of vitality in the Arctic begins the …
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Waking up to System Collapse

As the dawn crept through the curtains this morning, my dreamy thoughts recalled the gathering of people who had listened to Jem Bendell talking about his new book Breaking Together yesterday evening. It occurred that we could have had it all but, as I had known for some years now, that opportunity had passed. And …
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Keep Calm and Carry On … With Monarchy?

The recent coronation of King Charles in the UK prompted us to reflect on the role of monarchy in our world today. Pam and Tom, one brought up in suburban Canada the other in privileged boarding schools, share their perspectives.

George Floyd murdered. America living in fear of itself. Change is your choice.

It’s still happening. Don’t forget. George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) was an African-American man who was murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is one of many. He would have been 50 this year. Racism is a part of America. The only way to extinguish it, heal …
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Propaganda tries to justify the invasion of Ukraine and killing people like us.

It was fascinating to explore the history of the Russian Federation in a DW documentary from 2021 which discussed the tensions in the countries that ceded from the USSR/Russian Federation. But the most striking element was how retarded the progress of Russia has been under Putin, whose imperialistic ego has funnelled money into the army …
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The War Will Be Over in a Week, and Ukraine Forgotten in a Month

People around the world are yearning for peace. But leaders do not want to make it happen. Instead prevarication and incompetence is allowing Putin to take Ukraine. The Russian army will have control of Ukraine in week. We will have forgotten about it in a month as we will be distracted by another sensational news …
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