It has long been known by investment analysts that optimising risk and return (which is their job) is achieved by tracking the market. Experienced managers, analysts and data all consistently say that, if you want to invest in the stock market buy the index. And hold it. Young bucks, and old, would like to beat …
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Category:Responsible Investing
Bitcoin: the World’s first decentralised Ponzi scheme by David Webb
This article by David Webb is insightful and brief. You may have no interest in Bitcoin, however, his observations are relevant to banking and the financial system. For me, one conclusion is that it is immoral to support (buy) bitcoin, on the level of gambling, and, if you understand it as a pyramid scheme, morally …
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Investing your portfolio: Where are the customers’ yachts?
The wife of a successful entrepreneur once remarked to me that she had pointed out to her husband that there will always be someone else with a bigger yacht in the marina. She was hinting that it’s fine to work, but there’s a point at which you ought to stop and spend a bit of …
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Are you beginning to get it? The what, why and how of system change.
There has been an outpouring of love and solidarity because of the tragic and terrific blood-letting in Paris this weekend. It has been a synchronous focus on thought, feeling and action by millions around the world. That is good. The answers proposed have ranged from black to white, from vengeance to forgiveness. (My preference is …
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For some it’s not about people, nor ethics; just numbers.
A former hedge fund manager who bought a drug company has hiked the price of a generic drug 55x to pay for the purchase. The drug was $13.50 a dose but is now $750.00. It costs $1 to produce. The drug treats toxoplasmosis and is widely used by sufferers of AIDS. So clearly Martin Shkreli, …
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Interpol now targetting individuals for trading endangered species.
Interpol is now asking for assistance from the public in tracking down nine key suspects. This is the first time that individuals have been targeted. The trade in wildlife crime is said to be worth around $213bn per annum, according to the UN. The move has been welcomed by Convention on the International Trade in …
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Malnutrition costs the global economy over 3 years’ GDP growth
The Global Nutrition Report said that globally, malnutrition led to “11% of GDP being squandered as a result of lives lost, less learning, less earning and days lost to illness.” And the numbers are made more appalling by the fact that they cut both ways: not enough food and too much food. Every nation except …
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Genetically Modified Organisms and the deterioration of health in the United States
Genetically Modified Organisms and the deterioration of health in the United States by N.L. Swanson, 4/24/2013 Read this pdf: GMO-health Extracts: Peddlers of both chemicals and genetically engineered seeds claim that GMO food is “identical to non-GMO products.” They claim that genetic engineering is no different than plant hybridization, which has been practiced for centuries. …
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Big pharma being paid to poison our planet. New GMO and agent-orange/glyphosate mix to hit earth in 2015.
The US EPA is set to approve new GM seeds and toxic sprays made by Dow Chemical in the face of scientific opposition. There are millions of dollars on the table. Dow will take market share and expand the use of mono-culture and toxic sprays. These initiatives are inherently unsustainable, but in the short term …
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Tell nestlé to stop trying to patent the fennel flower.
Keep nature free. They want to charge you for water, although it falls from the sky. They profit from selling the main cause of obesity, sugar, a drug more addictive than cocaine to children. Next I suppose they will pay-off governments to profit from the air we breathe. Tell Nestlé to stop trying to patent …
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