Celebrating 25 Years of Positive Change

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker’s comment captures the need for system change that defines Astraea. When we stepped out of our old lives and into the unknown in 1999, we had a clear goal: To find balance between people, …
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Private property should be abolished…

Following below is Helena Sheehan’s speech to the Trinity College Dublin Philosophical Society debate on whether private property should be abolished. It carried the day. It is helpful in framing an awkward, ignored yet important cultural issue on the nature of property ownership and it’s impact on equity and justice in our legal systems. Dr …
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Goodbye Superpower

Although it was expected, it was a shock to wake up to the impending results of the Presidential election in the USA which prove again the primitive values of our world. America is considered by a majority of people to be the world leader since the Second World War, during it which it supported Germany …
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Feast Upon The Earth Engages Everyone in Choosing Our Future

Summer Inspiration At DLR Lexicon, Dublin The inspirational timescape Feast Upon The Earth has moved from Tullow to Dun Laoghaire’s Lexicon Library for the rest of the summer. The launch talk in July was “very engaging,” said Susan Lynch, senior executive librarian at Lexicon, who welcomed the timescape. “I don’t usually see so much participation …
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DLR Lexicon Welcomes Feast Upon The Earth

Feast Upon The Earth is on the move! DLR Lexicon will host the timescape from 26 July to 31 August 2024. The timescape prompts new perspectives. It situates us in geographical time and shows connections between nature, humans, food, finance, fossil fuels, consumption, pollution and climate change. We see how we have impacted our world, …
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Why should we change our minds?

We’ve been exploring human nature from the angles of anthropology, zoology and psychology and recently came upon Joseph Henrich’s WEIRD concept which is helping us to understand the relatively narrow perspective we all grow up with. WEIRD is an acronym for Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic, and delves into the religious convictions, beliefs, practices, technologies …
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The Second Holocaust

For 70 years the word “holocaust” has been in common use and we all knew it was about the bigoted murder of thousands of civilians during The Second World War. Schindler’s List and other movies have brought the tragedy alive in our minds. It was about the wholesale extermination of people to make space for …
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