“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker’s comment captures the need for system change that defines Astraea. When we stepped out of our old lives and into the unknown in 1999, we had a clear goal: To find balance between people, …
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Category:Climate Change
Solutions for Climate Change
An introduction …
Feast Upon The Earth Engages Everyone in Choosing Our Future
Summer Inspiration At DLR Lexicon, Dublin The inspirational timescape Feast Upon The Earth has moved from Tullow to Dun Laoghaire’s Lexicon Library for the rest of the summer. The launch talk in July was “very engaging,” said Susan Lynch, senior executive librarian at Lexicon, who welcomed the timescape. “I don’t usually see so much participation …
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DLR Lexicon Welcomes Feast Upon The Earth
Feast Upon The Earth is on the move! DLR Lexicon will host the timescape from 26 July to 31 August 2024. The timescape prompts new perspectives. It situates us in geographical time and shows connections between nature, humans, food, finance, fossil fuels, consumption, pollution and climate change. We see how we have impacted our world, …
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Feasting with Friends of the Earth
Hope is not generated through optimism…it’s through agency and action.
…We need nothing short of a revolution!
The Second Holocaust
For 70 years the word “holocaust” has been in common use and we all knew it was about the bigoted murder of thousands of civilians during The Second World War. Schindler’s List and other movies have brought the tragedy alive in our minds. It was about the wholesale extermination of people to make space for …
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Feast Upon The Earth – The Book
Back in April when we sat down to brainstorm over a coffee and dreamed up an installation exploring the human relationship with nature we had no idea it would lead to such wide insights and wonderful feedback from visitors. Feast Upon The Earth was a powerful experience and the resulting timescape brought out new understanding …
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Why worry about system collapse?
“Why worry about capitalism when the earth is a pointless ball of shit?” Is this really a question? Well they had a panel… In this clip a way out of the mess is offered, in case you think life is worth living. As for “pointlessness”, it’d be normal if you thought there is no meaning …
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The Death of Life
“This frigid sea was a speckled mass of organisms. Tiny copepod crustaceans, looking like so many animated peas, beat their way in their thousands through the surface waters, feeding on plankton that I knew must be there, but which could not be seen without a microscope.” That picture of vitality in the Arctic begins the …
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We’re at IMMA’s Earth Rising Festival in September!
Astraea will exhibit at IMMA’s Earth Rising festival this September. IMMA welcomed people from all walks of life for this 4-day event that invites “eco related programming showcasing the most exciting innovators in the field of eco citizen science, design & creativity, empowering audiences to become agents of change.” That’s us! Our installation Feast Upon …
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