Why Naomi Klein Must Not Blame Capitalism

“I haven’t finished reading the book; I don’t want to know who wins, capitalism or the climate, but I assume it’s capitalism because the book costs $30 and it’s printed on dead trees.”
–Stephen Colbert, interviewing Naomi Klein (23 Sept 2014)

Mr. BKS Iyengar’s Light shines on

Like millions of others, I have been influenced by this great yoga teacher, though I have never met him. I have read The Tree of Yoga. I refer to Light on Yoga and Light on Pranayama. I study Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I use props to aid my alignment. I am aware …
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25 Amazing Food Cures

I was sent this Men’s Health link listing 25 “amazing food cures”. The foods do things like boost serotonin and endorphins, provide particular vitamins, fatty acids, probiotics and anti-oxidants, boost metabolism, and so forth. In any case, variety and moderation are the key to a healthy diet (and for me that even includes movie-night binging …
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