Happy St Brigid’s Bank Holiday

Happy St Brigid’s Bank Holiday. It is a great step to establish a holiday to honour Ireland’s matron saint. This is a meaningful day in its recognition of the feminine; an embracing of the qualities of compassion, nature, nurture, inclusion and collaboration that are so urgently needed in the world today; with Brigid’s fire to …
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Brigit: From Goddess to Saint via the Patriarchy

Happy – and historic – St Brigit*’s Day: Today marks the first time an Irish national holiday is established in honor of a female saint. Why is this important? Establishing a national holiday in Brigit’s name is a recognition of the feminine. Today’s world is run as a patriarchy, or as the late bell hooks …
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astraea speaks

Lyla June speaks about the history and culture of humans in North America before Europeans invaded in 3,000-year-old solutions to modern problems. She offers a path to regenerating the vitality of Earth which resonates deeply with the ideas that have attracted astraea to change course and re-imagine the future. Thank you Lyla June.

Propaganda tries to justify the invasion of Ukraine and killing people like us.

It was fascinating to explore the history of the Russian Federation in a DW documentary from 2021 which discussed the tensions in the countries that ceded from the USSR/Russian Federation. But the most striking element was how retarded the progress of Russia has been under Putin, whose imperialistic ego has funnelled money into the army …
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System Change – videos of our meeting

Thanks to all who joined our gathering on 8 December 2021. A fascinating conversation ensued (part 3) after an introduction to System Change (part 1) and a tribute to Richard Auler (part 2).

System Change: Fear & Greed vs Love & Sharing

Please join us for our 2021 annual gathering It will be on Wednesday 8 December at 1800 GMT online and in person (RSVP required). This year we will step back and review our big picture perspective of the state of the world and the path forward as volatility of human systems (politics, economics etc) and …
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Making Sense of Ourselves and Our World

An essay on “education as if people and planet matter” originally drafted for The Dartington Trust and Resurgence and published on Clive Menzies Outersite.org. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer is obvious, if you can look back in time. Eggs came first in fish, reptiles, then birds. It was an egg …
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