The success of COP26

No COP 26 wasn’t a success. Objectives were not met. An agreement to promise to do better next year is not an achievement. Worse is the deception by fossil fuel promoters (who represented the biggest delegation at the conference (bigger than any country including USA or China) that they will start to phase out fossil …
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Speaking Truth To Power

Be aware. In a couple of minutes you can hear what is wrong and how we can change to save ourselves from our most primitive instincts, like fear and greed. “The real power belongs to the people.” Transcript: “My name is Greta Thunberg. I am 15 years old. I am from Sweden. I speak on …
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Drawdown – a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming

Paul Hawken has edited Drawdown,  a comprehensive review and analysis of tangible actions that can mitigate the destruction of the natural environment which is now being precipitated by anthropogenic pollution and is most visible in global warming.  Drawdown is the work of many professionals collaborating to synthesise practical mitigation actions. Yesterday he collaborated with The …
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The sun stood still, and it all began again …

The solstice passed today at 4 in the morning (UTC). For most people, it is ignored or unknown, while for a few it is recognised as the event that gives rise to all the other seasonal holidays at this time of year – Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Saturnalia, and the calendar new years like Hogmany and …
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Numbers That Matter – COP21

Is the scale of marches for change today a significant number?  They are certainly the largest individual marches and the largest globally coordinated march, and the first to include a virtual march which allowed people to participate without travelling long distance. They say about 600,000 marched (excluding virtual marchers) around the world. That’s a lot …
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Are you beginning to get it? The what, why and how of system change.

There has been an outpouring of love and solidarity because of the tragic and terrific blood-letting in Paris this weekend.  It has been a synchronous focus on thought, feeling and action by millions around the world.  That is good. The answers proposed have ranged from black to white, from vengeance to forgiveness.  (My preference is …
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CO2 levels exceed safe limit globally. Another sign we’ve broken the biosphere.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) reported that global carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have reached 400 parts per million – levels that haven’t been seen for about two million years! Isn’t it wonderful that a little monkey can upset nature so violently?!  We wield such power! CO2 has risen more than 120 parts …
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Don’t watch “Earthlings”. You can’t handle it.

Three stages of TRUTH: Ridicule. Violent opposition. Acceptance. Earthlings is a docudrama drawing attention to vile, uncivilised behaviour in which we all play a role.  It focuses on the torture of animals which modern society condones and from which we distance ourselves, covering five aspects: pets, food, clothing, entertainment, science. Be warned.  It is graphic.  …
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