Finding and Following the Red Thread of Fate

In conversation with Leiko Uchiyama, Master Felter Please enjoy the experience and perspectives of Leiko Uchimaya who has generously shared them in this conversation. Meeting Ms Uchiyama for the first time, we were welcomed in to her felt workshop, an old farm shed in the foothills of Mount Leinster, where we quickly set up the …
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Unplanned and Unexpected – A Vision of the Future

Life’s journey has no beginning or end yet events, like seasons and birthdays, mark its progress. So, in anticipation of astraea turning 20, and to say “thank you” to all the people who had helped us along the way, we thought about having an exposition of our work and a party. Many people around the …
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Good and Bad People

The truth about “good people” and “bad people”. From “Guards! Guards!” by the great Sir Terry Pratchett.  (Guards! Guards! is recommended reading for these  fractious political times.) Setting: As the dust settles the Patrician speaks with the Captain of the Night Watch (a civilian police force, i.e. of the people not of the state, it …
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My excuse for being lazy …

My excuse for being lazy is thinking up new ideas. So why would I admit to laziness? Guilt.  It’s increasingly clear that people are amazing.  Not just celebrities on TV, also regular people.  People who make our lives better,. People who work hard for family and friends and good causes.  Shop owners, tradespeople, “employees”,  and …
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Perspective Matters

(Chapter from How to Get Rich and Famous.) How do you see yourself? How do you see others? How do you see the world? And do you see things the same way as other people around you? Even though what you’re looking at is the same thing, we often see them differently. Perhaps you’ve come …
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Terrorism to Happiness – connecting the dots

The news seems to be as bleak as ever, … but the outlook is worse. There have always been stories of blood, death, corruption and pollution but now the consequences are more global and terminal.  There is even a rationale argument that we are past tipping point, but I choose to believe that there is …
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Common Sense in 5 Minutes

We joined an eclectic group at Voice Box at the end of June. We were asked to talk for five minutes about Common Sense, a book about people, planet and profit by a venture capitalist.  Here is the edited version of the video showing the slides more clearly.  Enjoy! Thanks to Jaspar for great camera …
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Maybe system change will just be funny …

It sometimes difficult to be aware of what’s going on in the world because they’re not happy thoughts. This time last week I was hearing about the dark web and bad pharma from a friend, Howard.  He runs a small cloud computing business with 30 million units invested in the technology and deals with a …
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