“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker’s comment captures the need for system change that defines Astraea. When we stepped out of our old lives and into the unknown in 1999, we had a clear goal: To find balance between people, …
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Learning is connecting the dots to see the big picture, a story told in a moment. The dots are ideas that answer the questions. The questions are what, how, when, why … The who is incidental.
Education, Food, Banking and Grow Your Own: KCLR’s Eimear Ní Bhraonáin talks with Tom
Grow Your Own – introduction
Tom walks around the garden introducing the Grow Your Own course held at Ballin Temple.
Carrots and Conviviality – in conversation with Carmel Duffy
Carmel Duffy is a pioneer of system change. For over four decades she has chosen to live more lightly and thoughtfully. It was a great pleasure and honour to spend a morning hearing her story which is shared here. Enjoy! Many thanks to Carmel, Pete, Tom and Ben for their warm hospitality and generous welcome. …
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System Change – videos of our meeting
Thanks to all who joined our gathering on 8 December 2021. A fascinating conversation ensued (part 3) after an introduction to System Change (part 1) and a tribute to Richard Auler (part 2).
Making Sense of Ourselves and Our World
An essay on “education as if people and planet matter” originally drafted for The Dartington Trust and Resurgence and published on Clive Menzies Outersite.org. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer is obvious, if you can look back in time. Eggs came first in fish, reptiles, then birds. It was an egg …
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Let’s all babble!
In their article Babel is better The Economist encourages education in a person’s mother tongue, rather than English, and they are right to do so. It would have been helpful to explain why from a neurological and personal development point of view, rather than simply rationalise that it is difficult to find teachers that speak …
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Time is running out: Behind the curve on SDGs
SustainAblility and Globescan’s recent survey of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is not encouraging. Over 500 experts contributed. The consensus is that progress and attention is lagging the need for change. If data is restricted to those with a decade or more of experience the picture is worse. Progress is dominated by social entrepreneurs …
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Are you beginning to get it? The what, why and how of system change.
There has been an outpouring of love and solidarity because of the tragic and terrific blood-letting in Paris this weekend. It has been a synchronous focus on thought, feeling and action by millions around the world. That is good. The answers proposed have ranged from black to white, from vengeance to forgiveness. (My preference is …
Continue reading Are you beginning to get it? The what, why and how of system change.