My excuse for being lazy is thinking up new ideas. So why would I admit to laziness? Guilt. It’s increasingly clear that people are amazing. Not just celebrities on TV, also regular people. People who make our lives better,. People who work hard for family and friends and good causes. Shop owners, tradespeople, “employees”, and …
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Category:7 Holonics and Life
The Blue Economy
Here’s a nice 6 minute video that puts us in the picture. The big picture. It’s not the whole story, but its brief and is a super introduction and a refresher for old hands.. We are past the point of stopping disruption. It was 15 oC this evening. (Ireland, December) 13 oC would be OK, …
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Cooking Earth
Drawdown – a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming
Paul Hawken has edited Drawdown, a comprehensive review and analysis of tangible actions that can mitigate the destruction of the natural environment which is now being precipitated by anthropogenic pollution and is most visible in global warming. Drawdown is the work of many professionals collaborating to synthesise practical mitigation actions. Yesterday he collaborated with The …
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The Mushroom Hunters
This poem by Neil Gaiman was shared at the funeral of Marquerite Konig which I was fortunate to attend. Margueritte shared her energetic, inspirational soul for 98 years! She even touched me, though I never met her, as I heard of her recent escapades from her son. The poem is an insightful endorsement of observation …
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Our Suicide is Painless
Yesterday was an unusual day filled with seemingly inane chores that had to be done. I was arriving back home in the afternoon with groceries for guests and planned to turn the hay. I drove past a field adjacent to our where a tractor was spraying and turned in to the drive to be greeted …
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Time is running out: Behind the curve on SDGs
SustainAblility and Globescan’s recent survey of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is not encouraging. Over 500 experts contributed. The consensus is that progress and attention is lagging the need for change. If data is restricted to those with a decade or more of experience the picture is worse. Progress is dominated by social entrepreneurs …
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Perspective Matters
(Chapter from How to Get Rich and Famous.) How do you see yourself? How do you see others? How do you see the world? And do you see things the same way as other people around you? Even though what you’re looking at is the same thing, we often see them differently. Perhaps you’ve come …
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Choose your future.
Open your eyes. Begin to see your life. Realise you can choose another path. Being aware is the first step. Educate yourself. Choose to live with nature, rather than without nature.
Where the world is going, today.
If you are an expert in your field you have a good idea of what is going on in that area. That’s how you make a living. Most of us express views about news and events that are outside our area of expertise especially if we think that they might effect us in some way, …
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