The following piece comes from Media Lens. It combines the magic of legends with the reality of today. Perhaps it will help you look up from the rush to decadence and notice the paradise you can enjoy. To get a glimpse of paradise visit Ballin Temple where the air is fresh, the water clean and …
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Holonics, integral thinking, big picture thinking …
A Vision of the Future
The live-stream video:
We’re just not smart enough.
Let’s take our leader, Donald J. He grabs pussy. We allow it. Let’s take another leader, … OK there are a couple who are thinking. Ahern. Merkel. But too many megalomaniacs. And we allow it. When did we stop thinking? When did we stop caring? When did we give up? It’s not about them. It’s …
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What makes the “God Letter” important.
Written in 1954, when Einstein was 74, the one-and-a-half page response to German philosopher Eric Gutkind was sold at auction for … Three Million Dollars! Give or take. Is $3 million a big number? It seems so to me, but then, crazy people … It certainly drew attention, which is good because of what’s behind …
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Good and Bad People
The truth about “good people” and “bad people”. From “Guards! Guards!” by the great Sir Terry Pratchett. (Guards! Guards! is recommended reading for these fractious political times.) Setting: As the dust settles the Patrician speaks with the Captain of the Night Watch (a civilian police force, i.e. of the people not of the state, it …
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Live to ride!
Being able to let go and step back allows us to see things that we would otherwise miss. And if you allow it, the universe drops hints in your way all the time. Slowly, I’m getting better at letting go and noticing the hints… So it was an unusual coincidence that I happened to see …
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Justice and Morality vs The Law
A fitting reminder of our past and current failing to live up to the moral code we all profess. Personally, I know my direct ancestors have been party to self-aggrandising laws and behaviour which was wrong. As have I …Laurie Embree, having been arrested for protesting the Kinder Morgan pipeline, speaking eloquently to the court …
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My excuse for being lazy …
My excuse for being lazy is thinking up new ideas. So why would I admit to laziness? Guilt. It’s increasingly clear that people are amazing. Not just celebrities on TV, also regular people. People who make our lives better,. People who work hard for family and friends and good causes. Shop owners, tradespeople, “employees”, and …
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Time is running out: Behind the curve on SDGs
SustainAblility and Globescan’s recent survey of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is not encouraging. Over 500 experts contributed. The consensus is that progress and attention is lagging the need for change. If data is restricted to those with a decade or more of experience the picture is worse. Progress is dominated by social entrepreneurs …
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Perspective Matters
(Chapter from How to Get Rich and Famous.) How do you see yourself? How do you see others? How do you see the world? And do you see things the same way as other people around you? Even though what you’re looking at is the same thing, we often see them differently. Perhaps you’ve come …
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