5 feet of snow and zero degrees in every US state. “I’m not a scientist”, but that’s not normal.

Freezing temperatures were recorded across all 50 US states, including Florida and Hawaii, and a massive snowstorm dumped 5 feet of snow in the Buffalo area (North East US). It’s pretty.  But deadly.  So far 7 people are dead.  Three had heart attacks while shovelling snow – which is a sad commentary on health, diets …
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More rain in a few days than normally expected in a year. That’s climate change.

The report on deadly mudslides in Switzerland and Italy squeezed that little tidbit of information between a couple of great photos of flooding in the region. I can be quite sanguine about death because individually we are so insignificant.  But clearly as a species we have wrought awesome changes on this planet, including upsetting the …
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Interpol now targetting individuals for trading endangered species.

Interpol is now asking for assistance from the public in tracking down nine key suspects.   This is the first time that individuals have been targeted. The trade in wildlife crime is said to be worth around $213bn per annum, according to the UN. The move has been welcomed by Convention on the International Trade in …
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Omnivore’s Dilemma – Meat is sooo good but it’s killing the planet.

I love meat.  But I don’t eat it any more.  My parents still make fun of me for being vegetarian and might still think I should see a shrink.   Ha ha. Why would a meat and potatoes guy who liked steak for breakfast quit meat?  There were reasons and the most important is that I …
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Malnutrition costs the global economy over 3 years’ GDP growth

The Global Nutrition Report said that  globally, malnutrition led to “11% of GDP being squandered as a result of lives lost, less learning, less earning and days lost to illness.” And the numbers are made more appalling by the fact that they cut both ways: not enough food and too much food.  Every nation except …
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Data shows global growth now past tipping point. Global collapse occurring. Whole systems change imperative.

Economic research published by the University of Melbourne analysed the predictions made in the ground breaking 1972 book Limits to Growth, and notes that the actual trajectory followed in the four decades since has followed the worst case scenario. The 1970s computer model has proved remarkably accurate in predicting developments in the world economy, population …
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Genetically Modified Organisms and the deterioration of health in the United States

Genetically Modified Organisms and the deterioration of health in the United States by N.L. Swanson, 4/24/2013 Read this pdf: GMO-health Extracts: Peddlers of both chemicals and genetically engineered seeds claim that GMO food is “identical to non-GMO products.” They claim that genetic engineering is no different than plant hybridization, which has been practiced for centuries. …
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Big pharma being paid to poison our planet. New GMO and agent-orange/glyphosate mix to hit earth in 2015.

The US EPA is set to approve new GM seeds and toxic sprays made by Dow Chemical in the face of scientific opposition. There are millions of dollars on the table.  Dow will take market share and expand the use of mono-culture and toxic sprays.  These initiatives are inherently unsustainable, but in the short term …
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Tell nestlé to stop trying to patent the fennel flower.

Keep nature free. They want to charge you for water, although it falls from the sky. They profit from selling the main cause of obesity, sugar, a drug more addictive than cocaine to children. Next I suppose they will pay-off governments to profit from the air we breathe. Tell Nestlé to stop trying to patent …
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Why Naomi Klein Must Not Blame Capitalism

“I haven’t finished reading the book; I don’t want to know who wins, capitalism or the climate, but I assume it’s capitalism because the book costs $30 and it’s printed on dead trees.”
–Stephen Colbert, interviewing Naomi Klein (23 Sept 2014)