High net worth investors increasing green portfolios

The 12th annual World Wealth Report 2008 released by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch states there are over 10 million people globally with at least $1 million of financial assets in 2007, an increase of 6% over 2006.

High net worth investors invested in safety last year with 44% of their financial assets in cash and fixed income securities. Uncertainty in 2007 lead these investors away from alternative investments, such as hedge funds, although hedge funds still make up 30% of alternative investments.

With 2007’s market uncertainties, green investing show marked growth in 2007 among the very rich. Worldwide, 12% of HNWIs allocate part of their portfolios to green sectors including alternative energy.  HNWIs in Europe and the Middle East lead the way in green investments: 17% of European HNWIs and 20% of Middle Eastern HNWIs are invested in green.  Only 5% of North American HNWIs show a green portion of their portfolio.

Social Funds report


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