“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker’s comment captures the need for system change that defines Astraea.
When we stepped out of our old lives and into the unknown in 1999, we had a clear goal: To find balance between people, profit and planet. We shared information on our original website to broaden people’s perspectives, and to help people help themselves. The science behind body, mind and spirit – how we can manage ourselves to create positive change within and around us – were the early tools.
What’s next? 2025 will be a year of transformation. Global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, wars and nuclear threats, and the ballooning wealth gap are now much more familiar issues, and people are raising their voices to demand change, justice and peace.
At a local level, businesses and the public – particularly the up and coming generation – need to align expectations and goals with our challenging reality, value our connection to nature, and reflect these ideas in everyday life and business.
We explore systems and the urgent need for system change in our books Common Sense and How To Get Rich And Famous, describing how consumerism, patriarchy and religion have put us on an unsustainable path.
We challenge people’s perspectives through Feast Upon The Earth, a large timescape graphically depicting the evolution of Earth, life and humanity. Conversations with audiences show a thirst for understanding our world, our universe, our place in it, and our personal and collective happiness.
Over this quarter century, we have helped businesses and individuals see their life and work with a bigger perspective and more clarity. We’ve given people courage to take the next step – or a new direction. And we’ve continued to walk the talk of caring for the planet by growing food, managing land without chemicals, planting trees, and protecting an ancient woodland along the River Slaney with all its natural diversity.
Inward reflection brings clearer goals and more effective action. These steps are reflected in our simple model for a happy life: “Breathe, think, flow”. We look forward to more positive change for ourselves, our clients and our world in the next quarter century. Join us on the journey. Join our community, sign up to our newsletter, and enjoy a transformative 2025 with us.
Happy new year!
#science #philosophy
When we stepped out of our old lives and into the unknown in 1999, we had a clear goal: To find balance between people, profit and planet. We shared information on our original website to broaden people’s perspectives, and to help people help themselves. The science behind body, mind and spirit – how we can manage ourselves to create positive change within and around us – were the early tools.
What’s next? 2025 will be a year of transformation. Global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, wars and nuclear threats, and the ballooning wealth gap are now much more familiar issues, and people are raising their voices to demand change, justice and peace.
At a local level, businesses and the public – particularly the up and coming generation – need to align expectations and goals with our challenging reality, value our connection to nature, and reflect these ideas in everyday life and business.
We explore systems and the urgent need for system change in our books Common Sense and How To Get Rich And Famous, describing how consumerism, patriarchy and religion have put us on an unsustainable path.
We challenge people’s perspectives through Feast Upon The Earth, a large timescape graphically depicting the evolution of Earth, life and humanity. Conversations with audiences show a thirst for understanding our world, our universe, our place in it, and our personal and collective happiness.
Over this quarter century, we have helped businesses and individuals see their life and work with a bigger perspective and more clarity. We’ve given people courage to take the next step – or a new direction. And we’ve continued to walk the talk of caring for the planet by growing food, managing land without chemicals, planting trees, and protecting an ancient woodland along the River Slaney with all its natural diversity.
Inward reflection brings clearer goals and more effective action. These steps are reflected in our simple model for a happy life: “Breathe, think, flow”. We look forward to more positive change for ourselves, our clients and our world in the next quarter century. Join us on the journey. Join our community, sign up to our newsletter, and enjoy a transformative 2025 with us.
Happy new year!
#science #philosophy