This time of year has had special significance for millennia. Why? Because it is the end of the annual spiral to darkness and nature’s rebirth. Solstice is a time of rejoicing because it means winter darkness is lifting, warmth will return, and food will become available again. Imagine you live 10,000 years ago, somewhere above …
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Category:7 Holonics and Life
Imperialism – the starting point of system change.
The people who run the world, you know people like you and me who live in the “First World”, have a particular view of the world. Even if we can see the scale of inequality in society and the collapse of nature, we do not connect ourselves, our behaviour or our community to those uncomfortable …
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It’s not about one man. Trump’s election calls for system change.
It’s not about one man. Reeling from the long predicted “surprise”, many are emotional but uncertain. The victor is magnanimous, the process continues. The winners are joyous, but realising next steps have not been planned or prioritised. The losers are distraught and fearful that regression will be prioritised over progress. In this breathing period some …
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The Waterfall and The Rain
The waterfall is heard before you see it. The thunderous torrent crashing on the rocks resounds about the valley. As you approach, the mist becomes visible, as vapour bubbles up from the torrent. The spray blows far and wide so that when you come close you are soon soaked. From close up you can barely …
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Snack Food Slavery: We’re all enjoying it.
What? Not me. No way! Slavery is bad. Yeah, but … you’re still part of the problem. We all are. Here’s a piece of the big picture puzzle: Soda and chips … sugars and fats … vegetable oil … palm oil … slaves and rain forest exploitation. That food chain is run by big companies, …
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You can’t outrun a poor diet: Calories Matter
About 70% of calorie consumption is accounted for by metabolism though the absolute number varies little for people of different metabolic rates. So, if you’re an average male whose calorie burn is 2,000 a day (can be 1,500 – 2,500 depending on height), about 1,400 are consumed just being you (brain, breathing etc). For females …
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Global perspectives: Technology, Growth, Money, Politics and what to invest in
The Long Term We’re talking 20 years or so here. In 20 years we’ll be facing Big Stuff. Climate change, weather volatility, species loss, clean air, clean water, … that whole environment thing will be getting much more serious and everyone will be dealing with it in some way or another. I’m hoping it’ll make …
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The dangers of committees and what they signal.
The article below by Dr Schori and Mr Garee is quoted wholesale because it’s amusing, anthropomorphic, so easy to relate to, and accurate. Committees have a tendency to be inefficient and ineffective, consuming resources and delaying results. Consensus is necessary, but usually that’s at strategic or policy level. If it’s necessary for daily or tactical …
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How to change the world: Change your mind, body and spirit.
Joe Dispenza has been elucidating the science of mind for decades. In this talk (embedded below) he gives a clear, easy to follow description of how the mind works and how a person can change themselves by, literally, changing their mind. To summarise: The brain is constantly changing – the growth, decay, connection and disconnection …
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The sun stood still, and it all began again …
The solstice passed today at 4 in the morning (UTC). For most people, it is ignored or unknown, while for a few it is recognised as the event that gives rise to all the other seasonal holidays at this time of year – Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Saturnalia, and the calendar new years like Hogmany and …
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