Helga is the proprietor of a bar.

The only way out is to change behaviour … Helga is the proprietor of a bar. She realises that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronise her bar. To solve this problem, she comes up with a new marketing plan that allows her customers to …
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Energy Basics – a tonne of rain

I was trying to work out how much energy is stored in the rain falling on the roof and dripping down the gutters.  Say a tonne of water for every 10 mm of rain.  We had 65mm last week and it’s raining hard now. A tonne falling a metre gives about 10,000 joules or 7.8 …
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Decimation of bee populations will impact food supply.

There has been concern over the past few years about colony collapse disorder as bee populations have declined dramatically.  Research reported in the journal Science indicates the collapse in bee populations has been catalysed by a virus, spread by the varroa mite, to which bees have not adapted.  We have noticed thecollapse of the bee …
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Set yourself on fire to change the world.

It must demand the greatest will power.  It must demand selfless sacrifice. To set yourself on fire to bring attention to injustice. It still happens in our world in which we think everything is OK.  (BBC: Tibetan men in ‘first self-immolations in Lhasa’) We may not need to martyr ourselves though our political system is …
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At last, a way to exterminate humanity.

So the headline reads: “Male pill: gene discovery may lead to contraceptive“.  Followed by a note that researchers in Edinburgh identified a gene critical for the production of healthy sperm. Mmmmm.  This sounds a bit like what Monsanto did with grain –  modifying the seed genetics so that it could to reproduce. The “Terminator” gene. …
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BT Notes: Picnic in the bluebell woods.

There was a passionate response after the last BT Notes. About ten people commented.  Thank you for the feedback.  It was not intended to depress or anger …  I’ll try to keep opinions to the blog and news to the newsletter … Today, I can not work.  I do not want to work.  At least …
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Nuclear meltdown in your back yard.

This is not funny nor trivial.  Nuclear reactions are highly toxic.  The failure to clean up the reactor in Japan is leaving us open to a far greater spread of nuclear fallout. I had forgotten about the whole tragedy.  A warning in my inbox this morning changed my day. It has always been known that …
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