Learning is connecting the dots to see the big picture, a story told in a moment. The dots are ideas that answer the questions. The questions are what, how, when, why … The who is incidental.
Let’s all babble!
In their article Babel is better The Economist encourages education in a person’s mother tongue, rather than English, and they are right to do so. It would have been helpful to explain why from a neurological and personal development point of view, rather than simply rationalise that it is difficult to find teachers that speak …
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Pedagogy of cooperation … Maltese National Curriculum!
In work on design of curriculum and pedagogy I came across this quote. It must be shared because it’s good, and it’s Maltese. (Malta is a tiny little country rich in culture being at the centre of history for thousands of years. I’m half Maltese but spend too little time there 🙁 ) a pedagogy …
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Unnoticed by everyone, education is regressing.
Understanding education is not easy. We all think we know what it means but when it comes to defining it and suggesting improvements the challenge becomes amorphous. I’m trying to create a framework to help improve curriculum and pedagogy. One of the biggest problems I see as an educator, coach and parent is the rapid …
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