Save the banks, but let the biosphere die.

The planet is now so vandalised that only total energy renewal can save us is a passionate article highlighting the urgency of changing our consumption patterns by George Monbiot in The Guardian.  The article outlines the accelerating climate change that has now reached beyond the modest changes discussed a decade ago.  Today the volatility in climate is at the levels that was predicted to occur in 100 years.  Unfortunately our willingness to change remains virtually non-existent.  This extract gives a reference for the scale of what we are capable of, if we want change.

A survey by the broadcasting network CNBC suggests that the US federal government has now spent $4.2 trillion in response to the financial crisis, more than the total spending on the second world war when adjusted for inflation. Do we want to be remembered as the generation that saved the banks and let the biosphere collapse?

As many people know, the money being spent on banks is not working its way through to the businesses and people that need it.  It is being tied up by banks’ bureaucracy, while the economies stagnate.  Spending $ 4.2 trillion on re-engineering our energy infrastructure would solve the economic problem, by stimulating the economy, and also alleviate the ecological problem.


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