The emerging science of memes hold the key to modern business success. Be a part of a growing meme and you win. That is the aim of leading marketers. What is a meme? It is culture. How do you measure it? Using social, economic and intellectual measures against a backdrop of psychology. Getting data is …
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Category:3 The World of Money
Global systems in transition – accountants seeing the light.
Dr Hazel Henderson has released a summary of her upcoming book Mapping the global transition to the solar age – From ‘economism’ to earth systems science. Drawing on over 40 years of data and experience, it offers a comprehensive summary of the issues faced by global systems and indicates ways forward. It is sponsored by …
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The price of oil is under pressure – high stocks and soft demand
The oil price has been a focus of attention for half a year or so since it dropped rapidly last year when Saudi Arabia stopped restricting supply. The immediate effect was to put pressure on marginal sources, like fracking, and to give consumers a break. This report by The Economist offers valuable insight, saying that …
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Deflation is everywhere. So what? It’s another crack in the wall.
Concerns about deflation are becoming widespread. Deflation is unwelcome because it makes loans more difficult to pay off and dampens economic vitality by encouraging hoarding of cash (some banks offer negative interest for deposits). There were concerns about the spectre of inflation back in 2008/9 but they were held at bay until the recent drop …
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The foxes have taken over the hen house!
Big business is secretly lobbying government to pass laws that give the rights to determine what we eat, irrespective of health or environment, as long as it makes money for them! Maybe that sounds too fantastic to be true, but it’s happening. Maybe you’re in big business and you think it can’t be that bad …
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Everyone leads in tomorrow’s world, because it’s natural.
Research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains that in a flock of birds they take it in turns to lead, because being in the lead is energy depleting and can not last long (look at how every US President goes grey in the job), all birds in the flock learn to …
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1% own more than everyone else by next year: a decadent milestone in the implosion of civilisation.
Oxfam research shows that the share of the world’s wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% last year. Each adult on average has $2.7m. On current trends the wealthiest 1% will own more than 50% of the world’s wealth by 2016. Today the 80 richest people have the same …
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“The Facts” about sustainability, the environment and your future.
Below are the facts stated in the film Cowspiracy and their references. Which ever side you’re on it’s good to know them. For example, one takeaway from the ideas presented is that we can resolve environmental problems, reform economic systems and still keep our cars, if we change our diet. If you take that with …
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COP out? Yes! Sadly as expected, but what else could happen …
The 20th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change treaty ran over by a couple of days as delegates from over 190 countries “negotiated” the language of resolutions to control carbon emissions. Rich countries don’t want to pay for past emissions; emerging economies don’t want their opportunity for …
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What we need to do if we’re to have a future.
Future Earth, a global initiative bringing together scientists across different disciplines, has launched its strategy to identify key priorities for sustainability. The eight objectives are: Deliver water, energy and food for all Decarbonise socio-economic systems Safeguard the terrestrial, freshwater and marine natural assets Building healthy, resilient and productive cities Promote sustainable rural futures Improve human …
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