You have the power to change the world. Choose!

Words by Charlie Chaplin.  Contemporary images.  The choice is clear.  Have you chosen yet?  Or are you still chasing the machine?  Choose humanity, while the choice remains …   The Great Dictator‘s Speech (1940) I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer …
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Cosmic synchronicity in a hay field.

We baled today.  It was wonderful. It started a bit later than planned because the normal school run delay was compounded by an emergency breakdown of a client’s computer .,.. The field was rowed around noon and then square baling started.  Padraig would arrive at 3pm to round bale.  I needed 200 square bales for …
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System change is accelerating, but we’re still unprepared for our spiritual vacuum.

The Pew Research Centre reports that Americans identifying themselves as having no religion has grown from 16% to 24% since 2007. Naturally the increase has been at the cost of Christian affirmation which remains high at 71% (down from 78%). The increase in non-affiliates is found across America, highest in the west (28%), while even …
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Good people are dying. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Tension is rising is the USA.   Two US police officers were shot dead in Mississippi.  Last week.a New York police officer  was shot in the head while questioning a suspect from his police car.  And riots bubbled in Baltimore after a suspect died in police custody.  The mood is confused and angry. The issue is …
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Maybe system change will just be funny …

It sometimes difficult to be aware of what’s going on in the world because they’re not happy thoughts. This time last week I was hearing about the dark web and bad pharma from a friend, Howard.  He runs a small cloud computing business with 30 million units invested in the technology and deals with a …
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Why Naomi Klein Must Not Blame Capitalism

“I haven’t finished reading the book; I don’t want to know who wins, capitalism or the climate, but I assume it’s capitalism because the book costs $30 and it’s printed on dead trees.”
–Stephen Colbert, interviewing Naomi Klein (23 Sept 2014)

Happiness = …

This is the equation for happiness: What does all that jibberish mean?  Basically that expectations determine happiness.  That is why looking over the garden hedge at the grass on  the other side (the lawn that you can’t have because to belongs to someone else) is a sure way to be unhappy.  And why appreciating the …
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Whoops! A big picture story.

A story about the search for truth, the meaning of life and the answer to everything.  Finally an edition that is readable.  It might have a few typos which will be removed as we find them, but the important bits read well enough. Enjoy free chapters on-line: The Meaning of Life Clarifying the Big Picture …
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We get what we choose.

That’s a bit like “we get what we want” except that often we don’t realise what we are choosing. We grab the sweet, but ignore the consequences of rotting teeth, obesity and diabetes. We put the pedal to the metal and our foot to the floor, but ignore the consequence of pollution, collision and climate …
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Babies in a bucket

From CNN Faces of the world: National  Geographic photographer’s amazing portraits Babies in a bucket, in a tent city after the earthquake, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 2010 “When the quake hit on January 12, 2010, I had been staying in a decadent US$10,000 a night villa while photographing the stunning Amanyara on Turks and Caicos Island. One …
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