This time of year has had special significance for millennia. Why? Because it is the end of the annual spiral to darkness and nature’s rebirth. Solstice is a time of rejoicing because it means winter darkness is lifting, warmth will return, and food will become available again. Imagine you live 10,000 years ago, somewhere above …
Continue reading The Cycle of Life, and Death.
Category:1 Perspective
Imperialism – the starting point of system change.
The people who run the world, you know people like you and me who live in the “First World”, have a particular view of the world. Even if we can see the scale of inequality in society and the collapse of nature, we do not connect ourselves, our behaviour or our community to those uncomfortable …
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The Waterfall and The Rain
The waterfall is heard before you see it. The thunderous torrent crashing on the rocks resounds about the valley. As you approach, the mist becomes visible, as vapour bubbles up from the torrent. The spray blows far and wide so that when you come close you are soon soaked. From close up you can barely …
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Investing your portfolio: Where are the customers’ yachts?
The wife of a successful entrepreneur once remarked to me that she had pointed out to her husband that there will always be someone else with a bigger yacht in the marina. She was hinting that it’s fine to work, but there’s a point at which you ought to stop and spend a bit of …
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Global perspectives: Technology, Growth, Money, Politics and what to invest in
The Long Term We’re talking 20 years or so here. In 20 years we’ll be facing Big Stuff. Climate change, weather volatility, species loss, clean air, clean water, … that whole environment thing will be getting much more serious and everyone will be dealing with it in some way or another. I’m hoping it’ll make …
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System change, social media and your choices.
COP21 comes to a close as the wind howls and Jaspar’s rugby game is cancelled because so much water fell on the pitch last night. Climate change is great, but it’s not good. I love the warmer weather so here in Ireland it’s almost as warm as Hong Kong in the winter; you can go …
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Terrorism to Happiness – connecting the dots
The news seems to be as bleak as ever, … but the outlook is worse. There have always been stories of blood, death, corruption and pollution but now the consequences are more global and terminal. There is even a rationale argument that we are past tipping point, but I choose to believe that there is …
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Are you beginning to get it? The what, why and how of system change.
There has been an outpouring of love and solidarity because of the tragic and terrific blood-letting in Paris this weekend. It has been a synchronous focus on thought, feeling and action by millions around the world. That is good. The answers proposed have ranged from black to white, from vengeance to forgiveness. (My preference is …
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Honesty or knowledge first?
Ethics do not seem to be integral to society or our civilisation. We have laws and religions and people are good. However, the nature of education does not promote the values that ought to underlie the sentiment expressed by laws, religion and society. They say it is bad or wrong to kill, but it happens …
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For some it’s not about people, nor ethics; just numbers.
A former hedge fund manager who bought a drug company has hiked the price of a generic drug 55x to pay for the purchase. The drug was $13.50 a dose but is now $750.00. It costs $1 to produce. The drug treats toxoplasmosis and is widely used by sufferers of AIDS. So clearly Martin Shkreli, …
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