Terry Pratchett on death.

From the UK’s Mail on Sunday. Assisted suicide has been in the headlines because the law incriminating those who assist suicide is under review. Sir Terry has alzheimer’s and has written about death for over three decades. I’ll die before the endgame, says Terry Pratchett in call for law to allow assisted suicides in UK …
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A sober perspective of the ecological crisis

In Bound to Burn, an article copied here, Peter Huber lays out a realistic perspective of the challenge of redirecting our energy consumption patterns.  It is very sobering.  He outlines the seemingly intractable and growing demand for carbon based fuels, comparing them with an insignificant impact of alternative fuels, concluding that carbon sequestration is the …
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Nationalisation, deglobalisation … Communism?

Not yet.  But the hasty reaction to economic problems may become more self-destructive than necessary. Certainly moves to nationalise banks have been necessary to hold the global financial system “together”.  And there has been a fall in trade as consumption has faltered.  But the increasing popular call for government involvement and deglobalisation is dangerous and …
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Optimistic? Pestimistic? No. Realistic

You’re right to try to be optimistic. Or at least positive. A positive outlook helps keep spirits up, helps avoid despondency. despondency can be the worst because then you just stop doing anything and sink in to a mire of desperation. But optimism about the outlook could be even more dangerous. It could result in …
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Evolution is over and we’re living in Utopia.

An interesting perspective on how evolution of humans has ended:  genetic mutations have declined, natural selection has been extinguished (by medicine and philanthropy) and may be being reversed, and biological differentiation has diminidhed by the density of humanity on the planet. Read Evolution is complete: so where do we go from here? from yesterday’s Telegraph.

The Elephant in the Room is Humanity

The elephant in the room is humanity.  The species is taking up all the space and its becoming difficult to breathe.  It’s a nice elephant, but when it breaks wind, all else suffers (and trembles) – even the elephant starts to notice a strange whiff in the air,  but pretends it isn’t there. Funny thing …
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