The Roman Catholic church is becoming enlightened, and catholic

The Vatican is hosting a 5 day conference to celebrate 150 years of Darwin.  This shows that teh Pope is bringing that religion in to the 21st Century by seeking to include science in its doctrine, thereby widening its inclusion to be more all embracing.  A step in the right direction.

Morals and the Meltdown

A good perspective from Robert Skidelsky.  He writes well.  His language is a bit religious for me, but the analysis is all too accurate.  Here’s the link to his website and the article is copied below.  In our view, we are now confronting the limit to the growth of humanity he concludes with. Morals and …
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The world says NO to the death penalty

The United Nations General Assembly has at last voted for a global moratorium on the death penalty. While the resolution is nonbinding and its symbolic weight was hardly mentioned in US media, for those who have been trying to move the world away from lethal revenge as government policy, this was a milestone. The resolution …
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Is ‘Do Unto Others’ Written Into Our Genes?

An article by the New York Times based on a series of recent articles and a book, “The Happiness Hypothesis” by Jonathan Haidt, a moral psychologist at the University of Virginia, who has been constructing a broad evolutionary view of morality that traces its connections both to religion and to politics.  Here’s an extract: Of …
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