Looking at the dawn of time.

A telescope sent far in to space to study the oldest light in the Universe has returned its first images. The Planck observatory is surveying radiation that first swept out across space just 380,000 years after the Big Bang (15,000,000,000 years ago).  The light holds details about the age, contents and evolution of the cosmos.  …
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US to cut missile defence plan. A good start.

The US has cancelled or postponed the plan to emplace missiles in Poland.  This is good news.  Increasing the volume of armaments is a ludicrous policy in a world where people are dying of malnutrition and thirst and where a gun has no practical purpose except to kill another person.  The resources would be better …
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“No morals at all” – has anything changed?

The story of Eileen Loiacono, a mortgage underwriter – deciding who her firm should lend to – at the height of the subprime lending bonanza, is a sad tale of fear and greed. She finally left the industry which had “no morals at all”. Has anything changed? Have those people suddenly gained integrity? What are …
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A positive perspective helps you live longer.

Another scientific study has been released that shows that a positive outlook on life significantly lengthens life expectancy.  Even controlling for other factors, being positive has a 10% to 15% beneficial impact.  A positive outlook on life has additional benefits because it tends to help a lifestyle of more exercise and better eating. BBC: Optimistic …
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Terry Pratchett on death.

From the UK’s Mail on Sunday. Assisted suicide has been in the headlines because the law incriminating those who assist suicide is under review. Sir Terry has alzheimer’s and has written about death for over three decades. I’ll die before the endgame, says Terry Pratchett in call for law to allow assisted suicides in UK …
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The Kama Sutra finally wins over colonial law in India

The ancient Indian text the Kama Sutra makes an interesting read. It is not just a “sex manual” but also a guide or commentary on human behaviour and society. It allows for the differences in people and offers insight in to the intimate relationships that humans explore, including same gender sex. Homosexuality has always been …
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Would you all please stop bickering.

It was never going to be easy.  Before it had begun important participants, like the US, had already turned up their noses.  The UN conference on racism had a patchy history and was bound to raise hackles. It is unfortunate that “diplomats” walked out of a speech by a President, even if they have difficulty …
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Dog Biscuits

Just a cute story … Dog Biscuits by David Rippe (excerpted from Listen–The Sounds and Silences of Our Secret Lives) Listen up. Lean in. I have a story to tell. One you will want to hear. It’s a short trip between cool and fool–two letters actually, alphabetically speaking. You’ll have to decide which one am …
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A monumental failure of management.

Another piece by a respected analyst describing the cause of the economic crisis – moral hazard. Of course, it is not just America’s failure, but one that has been made globally. America’s monumental failure of management. by Henry Mintzberg in The Globe and Mail “If you always do as you always did, you will always …
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