Social, economic, intellectual capital and the memes of society: expectations determine wealth.

The emerging science of memes hold the key to modern business success.  Be a part of a growing meme and you win.  That is the aim of leading marketers. What is a meme?  It is culture. How do you measure it?  Using social, economic and intellectual  measures against a backdrop of psychology. Getting data is …
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“The Facts” about sustainability, the environment and your future.

Below are the facts stated in the film Cowspiracy and their references.  Which ever side you’re on it’s good to know them.   For example, one takeaway from the ideas presented is that we can resolve environmental problems, reform economic systems and still keep our cars, if we change our diet.  If you take that with …
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The benefits of skills training.

Admittedly the title The One Thing Electricians, Chefs, and Entrepreneurs Have in Common attracted me because I’ve played electrician, cook and entrepreneur, so it caught my eye.  The article reinforces the knowledge that nurturing head, heart and HANDS is important to become a whole person. The One Thing Electricians, Chefs, and Entrepreneurs Have in Common …
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Yellen about the benefits of education.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen said in a speech yesterday that “public education spending is often lower for students in lower-income households than for students in higher-income households.” The Fed’s unusual comment on education came in a speech, delivered at the Conference on Economic Opportunity & Inequality sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and …
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DuoLingo: Learn a language for free. Forever.

Duolingo is a free language-learning and crowdsourced text translation platform. The service is designed so that, as users progress through the lessons, they simultaneously help to translate websites and other documents.  They even offer Irish courses! And Duolingo won Best Education Startup at the 2014 Crunchies. Duolingo offers extensive written lessons and dictation, but it …
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We’re 20 years away from catastrophe, says PricewaterhouseCoopers.

“Low Carbon Economy Index,” a report released by the accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers, has numerous stark warnings.  Sadly they are unlikely to be heeded by those that matter – big companies, governments and people like you and me – because those are the culprits identified in the report. According to the PricewaterhouseCoopers report, “the gap between …
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10% of girls under 20 are raped. Is this civilisation?

About 120 million girls around the world – slightly more than one in 10 – have been raped or sexually assaulted by the age of 20, a UN report says.  The children’s agency Unicef also says 95,000 children and teenagers – most of them in Latin America and the Caribbean – were murdered in 2012 …
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