The United Nations General Assembly has at last voted for a global moratorium on the death penalty. While the resolution is nonbinding and its symbolic weight was hardly mentioned in US media, for those who have been trying to move the world away from lethal revenge as government policy, this was a milestone. The resolution …
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Category:2 Geopolitics
The world likes China
Link to original article here. How the World Sees China by Andrew Kohut, President, Pew Research Center December 11, 2007 The rise of anti-Americanism in recent years has given China a decided image advantage over the United States. Considerably more people around the world have an unfavorable view of the America than think poorly of …
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Japan’s primitive view of capital punishment is slowly changing, in the face of death
Japan hanged 3 men, bringing the number of executions in the country this year to 9. Although most of the world is against capital punishment, Japan is one of the very few industrialised countries to retain the death penalty and a recent poll suggests that fewer than 10% of Japanese people oppose the death penalty. …
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US caught torturing prisioners, again …
According to current and former US government officials, it has just been confirmed that in 2005 the Central Intelligence Agency destroyed at least two videotapes documenting the interrogation of two al-Qaeda suspects in the agency’s custody, a step it took in the midst of Congressional and legal scrutiny about its secret detention program. Its like …
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King Bhumibol Adulyadej
Celebrations are taking place in Thailand today to mark the 80th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world’s longest serving monarch. National Geographic has published a special report celebrating King Bhumibol’s life. It is worth seeing because of his life long example of care and commitment in his role. Why Thailand’s king is so revered …
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Will US vindication of Iran promote softer diplomacy?
The US National Intelligence Directorate issued a report today stating that Iran has not pursued nuclear weapons development since 2003. This is in stark contrast to the US’s aggressive words in international circles and the snubbing of Iran’s President on a recent visit to the US. The IAEA continuing to analyse the nature of Iran’s …
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Middle east peace: after Annapolis
This report and linked reports by the BBC analyse the problems and opportunity for peace in the Middle East which the Bush administration has sponsored. Unfortunately there remain fundamental differences which will impede progress, including the exclusion of important stakeholders in the process (such as Hamas) and the favourable bias that many feel the US …
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Australia joins Kyoto
Kevin Rudd made his first official act as new Prime Minister of Australia, ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Well done! Australia now joins the civilised world in contracting together to tackle climate change in a coordinated and concerted effort. The US continues to dissent. This welcome news comes shortly after Australia (under Howard) was highlighted …
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The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush by Joseph Stiglitz When we look back someday at the catastrophe that was the Bush administration, we will think of many things: the tragedy of the Iraq war, the shame of Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib, the erosion of civil liberties. The damage done to the American economy does not …
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Emperor Qian Long to King George III
This link came across my desk and I share it because of my ties to Hong Kong and fondness for China. It is the text of a famous letter from Emperor Qian Long sent to King George III at the height of Chinese civilisation in the 18th century. China entered into a 200-year period of …
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