Moral hazard, bailing out the rich and more trouble to come.

It is exasperating to hear that US regulators and policy makers have decided to bail out the principals responsible for the gross uncertainty and risk that prevails in financial markets. Hundreds of billions of dollars will be spent on buying bad debts in order to reliquify financial markets. It doesn’t sound like a smart investment …
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South Ossetia, Georgia, Russia, US – a dirty mess

It is not esay to decipher what is going on in the “breakaway state of South Ossetia”.  You can draw your own conclusions by reading the various news reports and summaries in this section of the BBC news website. It seems that the solution is for everyone to pull their fingers out of the pie …
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World trade talks collapse – because of rich world farmers

It is no surprise that the world trade talks have collapsed.  Rich countries tried to retain some protections of their agricultural markets despite their own evident wealth.  Their rationale is support of farmers and even talk of “food security” – this is of course ridiculous in today’s world. We in rich countries benefit from what …
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Living in harmony

On the remote Pacific island of Anuta a code of “love and compassion” embodied in the culture has preserved a harmonious and happy community.  The almost non-existence of outside influence also helps people to keep perspective and enjoy life.  While this report from the BC travel correspondent is brief, it offers hints at how little …
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Eat now for tomorrow there will be nothing

Alarming reports from the Rights and Resources Initiative show that an escalation in land acquisition and deforestation is underway.  The cause underpinning this land grab is increasing demand for crop land upon which to grow food and biofuel.  The consequence of this deforestation will be an acceleration of the destruction of nature and humanity’s home. …
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A very worrying World Oil Outlook 2008

OPEC’s World Oil Outlook 2008 is a realistic but very worrying analysis of the global energy picture. It discusses the recent gyrations of the price of oil and its underlying drivers, in particular the growth of speculation, and outlines demand and supply parameters. While it projects a sufficient supply for the coming decades, whether or …
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Its time for direct democracy.

The recent kerfuffle over the Lisbon Treaty aka the EU constitution demands a rethink of political process in sophisticated societies. Switzerland has been an example of direct democracy for over 150 years, and it works. It is ludicrous to call a system of electing individuals for periods of 4-7 years to make local decisions on …
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Is Thailand beginning to set a good example?

Thaksin Shinawatra is going on trial.  And it seems that judicial process might be getting institutional and popular backing.  That would be a very positive sign that Thailand is maturing into a sophisticated society and economy. My experience with the judicial process a decade ago was not encouraging.  And I doubt we’ll see a conviction.  …
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G8 co2 goals – a lot of hot air?

So the G8 is talking about the cost of food and oil. And they’ve proclaimed that they will cut carbon emissions in half. This is a good start and if nothing else the propaganda will encourage people, businesses and politics to accelerate conversion to low energy-high value technology.  Its good to see the US beginning …
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9/11 World Trade Centre controlled demolition evidence

The mystery of why “Tower 7” collapsed hours after the twin towers, and with no plane having crashed in to it, is expected to be “solved”.  Investigators are planning to say it was caused by fire.  But this is just a cover-up, as this news report shows.  The evidence that it was a controlled demolition …
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