Repo 105 – it’s still out there.

A report on the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy came out today.  It’s ancient history really, because to happened a year and a half ago.  But it’s relevant today to remind us of the obfuscation that we endure from banks, politicians, the boss and others. Simply put, Lehaman fudged its financial performance by selling assets prior to …
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Obama spreading GMO. What the …?

Yes, it’s true.  GMO deception is spreading fast and soon agriculture will be jeopardised by transgenic pollination of GMO alfalfa.  If you thought the economic crisis was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  How about famine in America. From OCA’s review of Genetic Contamination: Barack Obama, despite promising us “change we can believe in,” is …
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Richer, but less free.

Freedom House released its 2010 survey.  The principal findings are depressing: less democracy.  It’s mainly in sub-saharan africa, but that doesn’t make it OK.  Maybe the rich world is a main driver.  We vote with our wallets every day.  While we might enjoy some kind of democracy and freedom at home, we choose cheap food, …
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The Nobel War Prize?

While I munched a lunchtime sandwich I happened to switch on the news for the few minutes during which a live feed of the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech showed Barack Obama justifying war. I was shocked.  In the same breath that Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr were praised it was suggested that sometimes …
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The problem with carbon trading

While I appreciate the positive aspect of carbon trading – that it draws attention to the problem of overconsumption of energy, in particular fossil fuels – it is a distraction from focussing on the real problem of changing the way we do things. A new report of carbon trading articulates the increasing risks of focussing …
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Many walls still need to be brought down.

An open world is the solution to many of the problems humanity has created for itself, from economic instability to ecological instability, from hunger to pollution, from torture to poverty. On the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, JP Lehmann reflects on the many challenges we must all face up to today: The …
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Extinction threat to humans growing.

The headline might be more dramatic than the original: “Species’ extinction threat grows”.  But it’s more to the point.  If they are dying faster, nature is changing faster.  Humans can not adapt to an environment much different from the one we inhabit, especially in terms of temperature, moisture, oxygen.  But mostly, we’ll just run out …
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Are we saying goodbye to privacy in EU? and the world?

Norway, a member state of the EU, makes most tax information available to the public for free, online and with analysis tools.  You can compare incomes and wealth of celebrities, friends, yourself.  You can see where people live.  There are positive aspects to this open approach to disclosure – it supports a more egalitarian economy.  …
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No Plan “B”

The world faces a “catastrophe” of floods, droughts and killer heatwaves if world leaders fail to agree a deal on climate change.  Negotiators have 50 days to save the world from global warming and break the “impasse”. There is no plan B. This is the message of Gordon Brown at the  Major Economies Forum in …
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