Banking, Budgets, Inflation, Food prices

Four degrees of separation?  I just browsed through three links that interested me and suddenly noticed that they drew the banking crisis and the food crisis (which is barely on many people’s radar) together. Here it is: US banking system ‘open to abuse’ One of the US’s top fraud investigators is warning that America’s policing …
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Israeli commandos attack aid ship – the discussion continues

When I read headlines like: Deaths as Israel storms aid ship or Israeli Massacres Go International; Commandos Kill 16 Free Gaza Activists I despair.  And then to read the vitriolic comments for and against the action, my sense of desperation grows.  I feel more strongly for the underdog and I can not fathom why such …
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Synthetic life – It’s just about money.

It would be comforting to believe that the production of synthetic bacteria in the laboratory is going to accelerate cures for disease, replacement body parts and sympathetic engagement with nature.  But that is not happening.  The positive hopes are the marketing headline. The reality, proven by the track record of Venter and his hairy faced …
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Seed The Truth

Monsanto Plant Shut Down by Activists in Europe.  Although the video linked here looks like a news item it is more revealing because it gives a good summary of the crimes that chemical company Monsanto commits everyday.  Its only 7 minutes long.  Monsanto represents a destructive model of chemical agriculture which is keeping food out …
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Climate volatility is a problem.

There’s probably global warming going on as a result of fossil fuel burning over the past couple of centuries.  Even if you choose to dispute that, you probably notice something strange about the weather, call it climate change or climate volatility (or risk).  If you’re an armchair weather watcher, like most of us in Ireland, …
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The World is leaning east faster, with green power.

Current data shows that China and Asian countries are investing more in green energy than the US and Europe.  In fact China is investing nearly twice as much as the US and so is Europe.  This is as it should be.  Economic and political power is shifting East and that is good for humanity.  It …
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The King’s New Clothes – Market abuse by fiduciaries unacceptably high.

It’s still the same old story.  Despite economic recession, trillions of your euros, dollars, clams being spent to prop up the financial system, the prevalence of abuse by fiduciaries has not declined.  Bankers, stockbrokers, insurance companies, the whole lot of them (except, of course, the few with integrity, like you – ha ha) continue to …
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Peak Oil – it’s here! The IEA confirms, unofficially

Discussion about Peak Oil heightened in the past decade as many proponents reckoned that the supply of fossil fuels is now being overtaken by use.  The oil industry decries the claim suggesting that Peak Oil won’t happen for a couple more decades. In fact, as with the cover-up over the health risk of smoking, the …
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