Sadly, evidence proves privilege breeds corruption.

It is convenient to assume that people without resources are prone to unethical behaviour, especially if you’ve got lots of stuff.  You might imagine that someone who lives in a cardboard box is likely to steal, simply because they need to eat. But the opposite is true.  If you’ve got the stuff, prepared to be …
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Have we run out of water already?

The review of China’s water supply in The Economist was presented as a sober economic review, as usual.  But the information and data is frightening.   If disaster isn’t here now, it is certainly here soon. Why? China, which accommodates 10% to 15% of humanity,  consumes 400 m3 per person per year which is only a …
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Ocean conditions are ripe for mass extinction

As the government of the richest country in the world bickers over whether or not to give basic healthcare to poor people, the world is dying. The International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) warns of  multiple threats the oceans are facing.  Overfishing.  Too much CO2.  Fertiliser run-off coming from rivers. Basically too …
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Roundup (glyphosate) is a broad based biocide

Here’s just one reason Monsanto is in the hot seat. According to Green Medical News: “ . . . “within the scientific community and educated public alike, there is a growing awareness that Roundup herbicide, and its primary ingredient glyphosate, is actually a broad spectrum biocide, in the etymological sense of the word: “bio” (life) …
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Facebook, Google and other data grabbers really know you. Really.

Let’s just skip to the meat: Digital records of behavior, Facebook Likes, can be used to automatically and accurately predict a range of highly sensitive personal attributes including: sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious and political views, personality traits, intelligence, happiness, use of addictive substances, parental separation, age, and gender. That’s just scary, especially when you think …
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The Commonwealth Charter – a good idea

Charter of the Commonwealth We the people of the Commonwealth: Recognising that in an era of changing economic circumstances and uncertainty, new trade and economic patterns, unprecedented threats to peace and security, and a surge in popular demands for democracy, human rights and broadened economic opportunities, the potential of and need for the Commonwealth – …
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Thousands of Gaza residents poured on to the streets to celebrate.

Ceasefire. Egypt to receive assurances from both sides that they will abide by the deal, and will follow up any reports it has been broken. Does not everyone wish for peace? So, let us make it so.   BBC: Gaza crisis: Israel-Hamas ceasefire agreement holds

Be persuasive. Be brave. Be arrested (if necessary)

It’s not often that you hear a conservative, traditional, esteemed financial guru advocating civil disobedience.  So it is fair to let you read why they advocate an energetic voice of change.  The summary is: Times are far more desperate than we think and we need to change the system to become sustainable with the utmost …
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