Another sign of climate change and weather volatility. Although winter was very cold, the dip in temperatures was brief and not long enough for ice and snow cover to accumulate. From Earth Observatory: Winter 2009-2010 was much colder than normal for the United States, and it delivered a string of record-breaking snowstorms that began on …
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Category:5 Environment
Seed The Truth
Monsanto Plant Shut Down by Activists in Europe. Although the video linked here looks like a news item it is more revealing because it gives a good summary of the crimes that chemical company Monsanto commits everyday. Its only 7 minutes long. Monsanto represents a destructive model of chemical agriculture which is keeping food out …
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Environment destruction is harming economies.
Earth’s ongoing nature losses may soon begin to hit national economies. The third Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3), a major UN report, warns that some ecosystems may soon reach “tipping points” where they rapidly become less useful to humanity. These tipping points include rapid dieback of forest, algal takeover of watercourses and mass coral reef death. …
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Earth Day
We still need reminding. Earth. Nature’s home. Our home. Care. Earth Day on Wikipedia Earth Day Network
Climate volatility is a problem.
There’s probably global warming going on as a result of fossil fuel burning over the past couple of centuries. Even if you choose to dispute that, you probably notice something strange about the weather, call it climate change or climate volatility (or risk). If you’re an armchair weather watcher, like most of us in Ireland, …
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2009 Ends Warmest Decade on Record
Except for a leveling off between the 1940s (WW2) and 1970s (oil embargo), Earth’s surface temperatures have increased since 1880. 1885 is the year the first automobile went into general production. Mmmmmmmm … is there a connection? The last decade has brought temperatures to the highest levels ever recorded, and the last year of the …
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Obama spreading GMO. What the …?
Yes, it’s true. GMO deception is spreading fast and soon agriculture will be jeopardised by transgenic pollination of GMO alfalfa. If you thought the economic crisis was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. How about famine in America. From OCA’s review of Genetic Contamination: Barack Obama, despite promising us “change we can believe in,” is …
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Humanity reacts to nature
from Savage Chickens
Biodiversity destruction a problem of too many people.
The viewpoint by Hilary Benn that biodiversity is nearing a point f no return is another harbinger of pain. The solution – reduce the human population – is discussed by those commenting, but remains a taboo subject for politicians. Other parts of the solution to turning back humanity’s footprint, like reducing consumption and pollution, are …
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The Human Picture
Can you guess when we started extracting fossil fuels? And oil? Do you think it can go on?