BT Notes – Spring

Spring is breaking out  and the mood is changing.  After some proper winter weather snow drops bloomed, and now the daffodils are beginning.  They should be on full display for St Patrick’s day.

As people get used to a new kind of economic dynamic and the complaints about bankers and politicians become old news (though still a problem), I have been feeling a bit optimistic.  Not that everything is going to return to the way it was – that is out of the question.   But I’ve started to see signs of survival and even success.  Some businesses are thriving – like discount stores and repair garages.  People are tightening their belts and doing OK.  I guess its a bit like getting fit or going on a diet.  You probably don’t enjoy it at first and it might even be a bit uncomfortable, but after a while the benefits become attractive and you want to keep it up.  Of course it’s most difficult when the change is very fast, but if we can make changes bit by bit and substitute one luxury, like a holiday abroad, for another, like a holiday locally with family, it’s more sustainable.  And Lent is a time when people make a special effort to improve themselves.  That’s another important part of change – it starts with oneself.  It may seem a bit selfish, but it doesn’t have to be.  If you’re not fit and well you can’t look after others, so sometimes its helpful to focus on self-improvement.  I’ll ‘fess up … I went for a jog.  It was an unfamiliar feeling.  Parts of my bodythat I didn’t know I had moved !  But I felt good afterwards and it raised my energy levels.  I want to do it a bit more regularly … let’s see …

castletown housevirgina kerrOn the subject of cheap luxuries … how about a high class evening of wine and song at Castletown HouseVirginia Kerr, a world renowned Irish sopranowill be performing at the luxurious Castletown House on 9 May. There will be a cocktail reception, an auction run by the incomparableJonathan Irwin, and Virginia Kerr will entertain you for the evening.  Why not take a couple of friends and meet some interesting people at the reception.  It would be the perfect compliment to a Confirmation celebration if your child is being confirmed that day.  Very favourably priced at only € 75 all proceeds go to PestalozziWorld which educates very poor children in Africa and Asia.  You’ll have a great evening and benefit a worthy cause.  Please get in touch with me or Pam for more information or to book your tickets.

Here, we are still catching up to the seasons in the garden.  I fixed my 2-wheel tractor so have been able to make some progress with tilling the vegetable plots, but I’m still lagging.  And a lot of trees came down in the heavy winds.  Half-term was a wonderful distraction too, when we all got out and about especially on our bikes.  Jaspar, only 5, manages to keep up so we can roam a bit.

Yoga classes are in full swing at Teach Bride and Mount Wolseley.  Please get in touch with Pam if you want to sign up.  (Did you see her profile in the Carlow People?  Cool eh?)  And I’ve started teaching a couple of courses at Carlow County Enterprise Board – good fun and really good value for participants, check out their offerings on-line – you won’t find better value.

It’s nice to see that people are cottoning on to the idea that Tesco is not such a great place to shop – a survey found that their prices are rising fastest.

It’s not so nice to see that people are getting very lazy about litter.  It’s blooming in the hedgerows as fast as the daffodils.  I haven’t seen such waste since before the plastic bag levy came in.  Its a shame that we take such short cuts and will further reduce Ireland’s attraction as a tourist destination – one of our main export businesses.  Let’s hope that stops soon.

Hope you’re all enjoying a blooming spring.



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