Jaime Escalante inspirational educator.

“The day someone quits school he is condemning himself to a future of poverty” “Determination + Discipline + Hard Work = Way to Success” The California maths teacher who inspired the film Stand And Deliver, Jaime Escalante, has died aged 79.  Escalante, a Bolivian immigrant, transformed a tough high school in Los Angeles by motivating …
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The World is leaning east faster, with green power.

Current data shows that China and Asian countries are investing more in green energy than the US and Europe.  In fact China is investing nearly twice as much as the US and so is Europe.  This is as it should be.  Economic and political power is shifting East and that is good for humanity.  It …
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The internet, like money, is used for evil as well as good.

It is sad news.  The internet is facilitating trade in endangered species.  I like the internet and I like nature, so it is painful to see that headline. Of course, the internet, like money, is not evil, but can be used for evil as well as for good.  It reflects the values of the people …
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So civilised, that you’ll kill a man for €40 and a laugh.

Yesterday a French “reality” TV game show imitated the experiment by Stanley Milgram in which people off the street, ie you and me, electrocute another innocent person because they are told to by someone else. In the TV show 64 out of 80 contestants continued electrocuting (and smiling as they did so) until the man …
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The King’s New Clothes – Market abuse by fiduciaries unacceptably high.

It’s still the same old story.  Despite economic recession, trillions of your euros, dollars, clams being spent to prop up the financial system, the prevalence of abuse by fiduciaries has not declined.  Bankers, stockbrokers, insurance companies, the whole lot of them (except, of course, the few with integrity, like you – ha ha) continue to …
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Peak Oil – it’s here! The IEA confirms, unofficially

Discussion about Peak Oil heightened in the past decade as many proponents reckoned that the supply of fossil fuels is now being overtaken by use.  The oil industry decries the claim suggesting that Peak Oil won’t happen for a couple more decades. In fact, as with the cover-up over the health risk of smoking, the …
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Repo 105 – it’s still out there.

A report on the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy came out today.  It’s ancient history really, because to happened a year and a half ago.  But it’s relevant today to remind us of the obfuscation that we endure from banks, politicians, the boss and others. Simply put, Lehaman fudged its financial performance by selling assets prior to …
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