Environment destruction is harming economies.

Earth’s ongoing nature losses may soon begin to hit national economies.  The third Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3), a major UN report, warns that some ecosystems may soon reach “tipping points” where they rapidly become less useful to humanity.  These tipping points include rapid dieback of forest, algal takeover of watercourses and mass coral reef death. …
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Windows is “unsecureable”.

One of the leading web hosting companies, Bluehost, has pulled the plug on Microsoft because it is too insecure and unstable.  “We can’t tolerate Windows anymore. It is simply too high a risk. It is UNSECURABLE.” Below is the Bluehost CEO blog discussing the decision. Microsoft – So long my friend… As many of you …
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No system change at the top. It’s up to you.

The US government representatives have decided not to reform the financial system.  No surprise.  It was the richest that made the most from teh credit bubble of the 1990s/2000s and then got bailed out by the government rescue packages when the financial system imploded.  Why would they want to make it more difficult for themselves? …
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Bankers stole your money.

The evidence has been revealed.  The bankers and investment managers that were looking after your cash in 2007, stole it. As the mortgage market crashed, the insiders sold the market short, and their clients.  The US Senate subcommittee has released more emails proving our conjecture made in 2007/2008 that the fiduciaries/regulators knew of the problems …
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Bankers crashed the economy.

It wasn’t just bankers, we all played a part.  But top of the list of immoral players are fiduciaries.  The US Senate Subcommittee investigating the financial crash of 2007/8 highlighted emails by top investment bankers who were short selling the mortgage security market as it declined, while publicly obfuscating the hole in the financial system.  …
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Climate volatility is a problem.

There’s probably global warming going on as a result of fossil fuel burning over the past couple of centuries.  Even if you choose to dispute that, you probably notice something strange about the weather, call it climate change or climate volatility (or risk).  If you’re an armchair weather watcher, like most of us in Ireland, …
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