A guide to operating system users.

What’s your operating system?  See the pie-chart below for insight.  Humour from GraphJam.com. Anyway, what is an operating system?  It’s the boss. from The Full Wiki: Most ordinary computer users take their operating system for granted. The easiest way to understand what an operating system does is to take a close look at what computers …
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Sad but true: Violence against females is pervasive.

A broad based survey indicates that 1/3 of women in the EU are affected by violence.   That should surprise you, but if you’re female, maybe it doesn’t. Clearly unfair prejudices still dominate modern, rich cultures.  For example, it is saddening to still see and hear behaviour which puts down women.  Clearly there are economic differences …
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Badger culls were ineffective, inhumane and expensive.

Start with the money: Over £ 4,000 per badger culled.  That’s a big number. We didn’t like the badger culling “solution” to bovine TB because killing ought to be a last resort – we value life, so it is very sad to hear that the deaths were inhumane with 20% taking longer than 5 minutes.  …
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The troubling word is “doomsday”.

As the weather plays games with us, blowing, freezing, heating at the wrong times of year, it is somehow reassuring to read about a vault for seeds now preserving 800,000 species.  It is dubbed the “Doomsday Vault”. The preservation vault, started 6 years ago, was built in the Arctic and requires little intervention to do …
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Mozilla, the power behind Firefox, launches a $25 smartphone.

Mozilla’s smartphone operating system, Firefox OS, is being installed on mobile phones made by its partners, like Alcatel, Huawei, LG and ZTE, which will retail for $25 and be targeting fast growing emerging markets where users are unwilling or unable to be tied in to long term contracts.  Their Firefox OS phones will give multimedia …
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Be a “B Corp” for sustainability.

“B Corps”, started in 2006, are a new type of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. It aims to certify businesses that serve a globally responsible initiative.  If you care about sustainability, social equity, eco-energy, ethical business, saving the planet or things like that consider using companies on …
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There’s nothing wrong with hard work, unless …

Working hard is fine, and many people have to work hard just to get by, but whether it’s by choice or necessity when it makes you sick, stressed, stupid, off-balance and disengaged, the balance is wrong. The Washington Post offers 5 reasons why you shouldn’t work too hard, at least from an American perspective. What …
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Open management.

Being an advocate of open management systems, an article by Inc. Magazine: Why You Should Let Your Employees Do Whatever They Want, drew attention. Caution, however, was raised by the tag line: “Focus and discipline are relics of 20th century business. Here’s what’s taking their place in the virtual, open source era”.  No, sadly, that …
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Linking weird weather to rapid warming of the Arctic

Professor Jennifer Francis recently presented evidence showing that the loss of Arctic summer sea ice and the rapid warming of the Far North are altering the jet stream over North America, Europe, and Russia and these profound shifts increase the likelihood of more extreme weather.  The so-called jet stream has increasingly taken a longer, meandering …
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