Oxfam research shows that the share of the world’s wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% last year. Each adult on average has $2.7m. On current trends the wealthiest 1% will own more than 50% of the world’s wealth by 2016. Today the 80 richest people have the same …
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Yes Pope Frank, we can mock faiths
This is straight from David Webb. No need for editing. I think Pope Frank is awesome and has ignited a sense of hope for the church, but, sadly, on this point he must reevaluate his position. There might be an appropriate and an inappropriate channel or audience, but without other cause, mockery is no reason …
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“The Facts” about sustainability, the environment and your future.
Below are the facts stated in the film Cowspiracy and their references. Which ever side you’re on it’s good to know them. For example, one takeaway from the ideas presented is that we can resolve environmental problems, reform economic systems and still keep our cars, if we change our diet. If you take that with …
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Life lessons, … well, some things to think about.
Paul Howard’s 44 life lessons (shared by Pat Macmahon – thanks Pat!): 1 Life is like a toilet roll. The closer you get to the end, the faster it seems to disappear. 2 “I don’t know” is the most underrated sentence in the English language. 3 If you can’t dance by the age of 18, …
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Common Sense now printed locally, helping us drop the price.
While researching a way to bind hard copies of Common Sense, our local office supplier, Jones Business Systems, gave us a helpful tip by telling us about a family run printer in the middle of Kilkenny countryside. Patrick Brennan of Digital Outputs was able to print the second run within our meagre budget allowing us …
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COP out? Yes! Sadly as expected, but what else could happen …
The 20th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change treaty ran over by a couple of days as delegates from over 190 countries “negotiated” the language of resolutions to control carbon emissions. Rich countries don’t want to pay for past emissions; emerging economies don’t want their opportunity for …
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What we need to do if we’re to have a future.
Future Earth, a global initiative bringing together scientists across different disciplines, has launched its strategy to identify key priorities for sustainability. The eight objectives are: Deliver water, energy and food for all Decarbonise socio-economic systems Safeguard the terrestrial, freshwater and marine natural assets Building healthy, resilient and productive cities Promote sustainable rural futures Improve human …
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Ignorance, bigotry, Islam, Christianity – a wasteful formula of terror, pain and suffering that we don’t need.
CNN pushed an interview with Reza Aslan which helped show how ignorant the media treatment of culture is. His commendably calm response to the interview’s thoughtlessness elucidated many of the issues that raise political tensions needlessly. Here’s an extract: Female Genital Mutilation is NOT a “Muslim” problem – its a central African problem. Eritrea has …
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How to speak money.
From The School of Life blog by the author of How To Speak Money, here are a couple of useful definitions: interest rates and real and nominal amounts (also related to interest rates). Helpful and funny too … interest rates If I had to pick one term which summed up my reason for wanting to …
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Someone’s watching you. And it’s not just Big Brother.
A Russian website is offering thousands of feeds from private webcams around the world. If you have a webcam with remote access enabled (did you check?) it could be on their list of feeds. The site has accessed feeds by using default passwords which are often left unchanged by their owners when they enable remote …
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