Are you in the wrong job?

A UK poll suggests that 20% of people are in a job unsuited to their skills.  This is certainly wasteful but may be unsurprising given the preoccupation people have with griping about work.  But is it really that bad?  It is probably better than it has been historically because job mobility in higher than in previous decades and screening is improving.  However, it does highlight the benefits of finding out what you like and what you are good at and then earning a living doing that.

However, the bigger trend emerging (with virtual workspace, telecommuting etc) is the phenomenon of parallel careers: having more than one job at once.  This is the choice we have made because it makes life interesting and enables us to share time and interests with family and community more wholesomely: parent, gardener, janitor, accountant, editor, business analyst, coach – all at the same time!


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