The Economist offers analysis and a guide to curbing greenhouse gases, as the UN conference on climate change approaches. Here’s their summary table.
Notice that the Montreal Protocol achieved the most by a wide margin. The next most effective policy has been China’s one-child policy. The effectiveness of both is supported by the simple discipline of saying “no”. “No” to more consumption of CFCs. “No” to more people.
If we are to align human behaviour with the laws of nature we must learn to say “no” more often. No to more consumption. No to more people. We can all make a difference by reducing our personal consumption and changing the permissive culture of procreation.
To keep the rise in global temperatures within safe bounds will require cutting carbon emissions by around 26 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year by 2030. That is almost halving the current rate of emissions, not growing them, as we now are doing. As well as personal efforts, global efforts are needed including a carbon treaty, stopping deforestation, slashing subsidies to fossil fuels and much more (see article).
The Economist: Curbing climate change The deepest cuts
The Economist: Greenhouse gases Paris via Montreal