Last month the EU confirmed its decision to fine Microsoft for anti-competitive behaviour.
Computer users know that MS Windows is on most (over 80%) computers.
Why would the US government, which pioneered anti-competition law, allow the company to continue to operate as a monopolist? Is it because some US spy agency is data-mining without users knowing? The US government has already corrupted the integrity of its legal system by allowing searches of private property and phone tapping without warrant.
Having recently seen what is possible in the world of IT by installing 5 different linux operating systems for testing, one after the other, while retaining all personal settings between each installation, I can see no reason why MS Windows is so dominant unless it is being protected.
MS Windows, because of its ubiquity, offers an easy portal in to the homes and businesses of most PC users. Hackers and virus writers know that. So do secret security forces of governments.
OK, it’s a conspiracy theory, but it becomes more believable against the backdrop of Iraq, US Home Security Act, US energy and climate change policy, and the lies that have become commonplace in global governance. If you run a significant, non-US business can you afford the competitive disadvantage of having your IT system hacked by the US government, without you knowing?