Yes, it’s true. GMO deception is spreading fast and soon agriculture will be jeopardised by transgenic pollination of GMO alfalfa. If you thought the economic crisis was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. How about famine in America.
From OCA’s review of Genetic Contamination:
Barack Obama, despite promising us “change we can believe in,” is unfortunately turning out to be just as pro-GMO as the preceding Bush and Clinton administrations, packing the USDA and other government bureaucracies with Monsanto men and biotech cheerleaders such as former Iowa Governor, Tom Vilsack, named “Biotech Governor of the Year” in 2001, now serving as USDA Secretary. Vilsack, notorious for flying around in a Monsanto company jet during one of his previous election campaigns, is now busy trying to get the court-ordered ban on Roundup Ready alfalfa lifted by issuing a new draft environmental impact statement (EIS) that denies or downplays the obvious environmental (genetic pollution and creation of herbicide-resistant superweeds) and human health hazards of GM alfalfa.
Alfalfa is the fourth most widely grown crop in the U.S. and a key source of dairy forage and hay. The first perennial crop to be genetically engineered, GM alfalfa can regenerate itself from its root-stock. It is open-pollinated by bees, which can cross-pollinate at distances of several miles, spreading Monsanto’s patented, foreign DNA to non-GMO and organic crops. Widespread GMO-contamination of organic alfalfa is inevitable if the Obama Administration successfully distorts science and ignores public opinion and allows Monsanto’s GM Roundup Ready alfalfa to be planted across the U.S.
What depressing news. My faith in Barack is shaken. Is he just part of the political machine? Is no one strong enough to change the world, to challenge the powers that be? Or maybe it’s just that his internet is down so he hasn’t been able to access the “Millions against Monsanto” website. Compelling.
No ONE can change the world. Many can.
But you’re right, it’s unlikely that change will happen if leaders don’t change the system.
Change. It’s more than just voter pablum. We here at Sanmonto believe that change is good. Change will free the world (so we can build our mansions right across it) and will allow us to feed the world (disenfranchised by corporations just like us) so that people in third, second AND first world nations can share the freedom of knowing that they will want for nothing (except freedom).Our money will allow all money to money more money for money AND money. Furthermore, money.
In conclusion, we may sue your ass for accidentally having our corn in your back yard, but you can rest easy in the assurance that our money cares about your community, and our money will allow you to enjoy the pleasure of knowing we are very, very rich.
Monetarily ours,