Hype over Chinese toys exaggerated

Recent hype about problems with Chinese manufactured goods was used as an excuse by some protectionist politicians and lobbies in the US to push for trade sanctions and even used as a tool to push for revaluation of the Chinese renminbi. The greatest hype surrounded the recall of more than 20 million toys by Mattel. However, Mattel now has admitted that most of the toys recalled in recent safety scares had “design flaws” and that Chinese manufacturers were not to blame!

This is not surprising in light of the story we related in August Review about Bush ignoring the toxic off-gassing results of a Mattel doll that were shared with him by Michael Braungart 3 years ago.  And perhaps more revealing is the declaration that China is simply following good capitalist practice (role-modeled by the US of course) by using lead paint because its cheaper!

A senior Mattel executive apologised for the damage that the incidents had done to the reputation of Chinese-made goods. Too little too late, perhaps. Mattel needs to make a public apology in the US, and the general tone of belligerence that the US employs on all “partners” needs to be softened as America grows up.


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