If you are only one person, …

Well you are.

So imagine how life would be if you had to do everything for yourself.

Not just the easy stuff, like getting out of bed and getting dressed.  But also stuff like growing and cooking your own food, building your own house, making the tools to do it, baking the bricks, smelting the glass, …

We are dependent on one another.

We are all interdependent.

Thankfully there is family and there are friends.  They rear us and support us when we need it.  We share good times with them too.  It is good to be connected.


A yearning for independence is better tamed.  Though at first you imagine it will protect you or even give you power, exclusivity can be lethal.

And, if we are all literally connected, physically through space, consciously in mind and maybe even in spirit, that is all is one, then we must reconnect with the whole to realise what we are doing to ourselves.

The big picture is that we must stop eating the planet, consuming the biosphere.  Time is the illusion that has expired.  Read the news.  Count the numbers of whatever worthy metric you choose and the truth is worse than anyone dared imagine.


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