Bicycles outselling cars.

Data shows that in 2012, bicycles outsold cars in 26 of the European Union’s 28 states.  That sounds like good news.

The reasons are undocumented though informed conjecture suggests that the cost of fuel and the opportunity for a more healthy lifestyle are helping boost demand for cycles. Cities are also promoting cycling, through bicyle share schemes, more cycle lanes and more cycle friendly areas in city centres.

Part of the fun of cycling is having the wind in your hair, but that means you are more exposed to hard knocks.  I’ve always loved biking, but it can be lethal since car drivers are often oblivious to bikes.  (I used to be too, until motorbike school showed me how invisible a two-wheeler is to car drivers.) Fortunately, nowadays, you can have the wind and the protection with an invisible helmet.

It is a good sign that cycles remain popular. Let’s hope their attractiveness continues as economies resuscitate.


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