UK gambling down despite online options

Surprising data from the UK’s Gambling Commission shows that the internet and other new forms of gambling have not led to an increase in gambling since 1999. In fact, due to a drop in the National Lottery sales, the numbers of people gambling fell from 72% in 1999 to 68%. The Gambling Prevalence Study questioned …
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Build your own virtual world

A free tool that allows anyone to create a virtual world has been launched by Metaplace. Users can build 3D online worlds for PCs or even a mobile phone without any knowledge of complex computer languages.  Users make the virtual spaces from simple building blocks.  The results, which could be used for gaming, socialising or …
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Ahmadinejad can’t visit WTC site

It is a shame that several authorities have refused permission to the President of Iran to visit the site of the World Trade Center to pay respects. Ahmadinejad arrives today to address the UN general assembly. Permission to visit Ground Zero was requested of and refused by the police department, the US Secret Service and …
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UN still won’t recognise Taiwan

The United Nations has once again blocked Taiwan’s quest for membership.  A key UN committee rejected a proposal from Taiwan’s allies to put its bid on the agenda of the general assembly, which met in New York in mid-September. This is the 15th consecutive year that Taiwan’s quest for membership of the United Nations has …
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Cronyism still (unfortunately) more important than ability

In the UK, the Sutton Trust charity analysed admissions from 2002-06, and has concluded that state school pupils are losing out. The trust found the number of pupils at the top 30 comprehensives who went to Oxbridge was just a third of what might be expected if based on ability; while at the top 30 …
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US waking up to the reality of Palestine …?

It is surprising to hear US Secretary of State publicly announcing that Palestine must be recognised if peace talks are to make progress. Surprising partly because it is the same person that provided much of the authority for invading Iraq and partly because it is against the wishes of the Israeli propaganda machine which has …
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Vatican’s relationship with China thaws

The rapprochement between China and the Vatican continued in September as the appointment of a bishop by China’s Patriotic Church (catholic) was tacitly approved by the Vatican. Pope Benedict previously initiated reconstruction of the relationship by writing to the Patriotic Church.  China severed ties with the Vatican in 1951, angry at the Vatican’s recognition of …
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Tennessee, US, bans execution

Tennessee, made another bid to halt the death penalty in the US by ruling the method of execution inappropriate. This is a step away from recognising that the death penalty itself is inappropriate, though the time until that is recognised at a national, Federal level is uncertain. A Federal judge in Tennessee ruled that the …
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Sub-prime losses estimates rising

Fed Chairman said during testimony to the the House Committee on Financial Services on 20 September that losses from sub-prime mortgages have far exceeded “even the most pessimistic estimates”. This statement is disappointing because it undermines any build-up of confidence that might be encouraged by recent rate cuts and liquidity injections. But worse, his comments …
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