COP out? Yes! Sadly as expected, but what else could happen …

The 20th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change treaty ran over by a couple of days as delegates from over 190 countries “negotiated” the language of resolutions to control carbon emissions.  Rich countries don’t want to pay for past emissions; emerging economies don’t want their opportunity for the luxuries enjoyed by rich countries to  be jeopardised.  The consensus was that results were unsatisfactory.

The confrontational nature of discussions means they will not develop new systems that save humanity from growing environmental pressure and related economic problems.  No viable solution can be found until everyone recognises the common goals which are underpinned by the interconnectedness of people to planet and its biosphere.

Can you do anything?  Yes!  It never seems to be enough but taking a step in the right direction does make a difference.  Changing consumption habits and changing what you say to your friends is what changes culture and behaviour of a population.  Every little bit you do to make a difference, DOES make a difference.  The more people that take a step in the right direction, the sooner we’ll have more attractive options than environmental implosion, economic volatility and social violence.

So even if they don’t “cop on”, we can all make a change for good.

At a recent book signing for Common Sense, I was asked questions about what can be done.  The consensus was to cut back on beef consumption because it’s simple and has a huge impact.  Once you’ve done that it’s easier to cut back on other gratuitous consumption like packaging, cosmetics, detergents, and travel and easier to spend more time with friends and family.  Enjoy them and the planet while you can.  🙂


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