EU sustainability progress modest; transport remains a problem

A new progress report concludes that the EU has made only “modest” progress towards sustainability since revising its sustainable development strategy  last year.  The European commission says there have been significant policy developments in some of the seven areas identified as key action priorities, including climate and energy, but progress on policy has not yet translated into concrete action.  There has been some progress towards sustainable production and consumption in areas including green public procurement.  And there has been a decoupling of material use from economic growth.  Another positive sign is a “convergence” of difference stakeholders’ agendas in many areas, though it is not surprising that the EU, member states, NGOs and businesses are increasingly focusing on the same issues because the science of sustainability points in the same direction.

Unfortunately progress on transport has been very limited.  The sector’s carbon emissions continue to increase and the EU’s goal of shifting towards environmentally friendly transport modes has not been achieved. The use of non-renewable resources has slightly decreased and pressure on groundwater seems to have decreased, but soil quality continues to deteriorate.


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