Exercise prevents cancer

Another report released showing that healthy living is good for you.  If you’ve had a friend or relation who’s had cancer you might take this to heart, and save your heart.

The World Cancer Research Fund scientists say any moderate activity that makes the heart beat faster is all that is needed. The WCRF team stress in their report that it is the total time spent being active that is important. You do not need to set aside half an hour each day to exercise. Shorter bouts of activity will be just as beneficial as long as they add up to the same, the charity says.  Their head of science, Dr Rachel Thompson, said by making small changes to their daily routine people could achieve significant health gains.

About 10,000 cases of breast and bowel cancer could be prevented each year in the UK if people did more brisk walking.  Mostly it could save you.

World Cancer Research Fund Report

BBC ‘Brisk walks’ to prevent cancers ‘Do an hour of daily exercise’ Majority ‘do not exercise enough’


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